League of Legends – Pantheon Commentary

Posted by on Oct 7th, 2011 and filed under Videos. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

Pantheon makes his appearance! Priced at 3150 and arguably the best mid in the game, he’s a very viable champion for many situations. Items: 1. Doran’s Blade + Health Pot 2. Berzerker’s Greaves 3. Youmuus Ghostblade 4. Sword of the Occult 5. Last Whisper 6. Stark’s Fervor Runes: Reds: Armor Penetration Yellows: Dodge Chance Blues: Crit Chance Quintessences: Flat Health Masteries: 21/0/9
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses for “League of Legends – Pantheon Commentary”

  1. Panoso0 says:

    @TheOwnageStudios no it cant.

  2. TheMentallord says:

    i think you W´s passive blocked veigar stun… not sure

  3. TheOwnageStudios says:

    hello Nuggles,i have a question about pantheon..
    Does the Q can crit withou the E passive?

  4. Voxorol says:


  5. zodac121 says:

    “why didnt u get stunned by that?”
    “Cause im the Baoss!”

  6. NeroOfficialProfile says:

    how to make the snow arena ?????

  7. MrBeanerboy2 says:


  8. 2Crazy4Love95 says:

    Nuggles who is better? Akali or Pantheon? :/

  9. cristianvasile555 says:

    @Thundergear007 🙂

  10. Thundergear007 says:

    @cristianvasile555 wow your a dick for telling someone to buy twitch -_-

  11. EpicDuelBobi96 says:

    why dont you show the runes?

  12. corndog472 says:

    @Axorello His passive only blocks standard attacks not ability attacks…

  13. Axorello says:

    I think u didnt get stunned, cause of the pantheon’s passive is that he blocks attack in 4 seconds or something, so at that point he “used” that so you didnt get stunned

  14. doodlepadcrash says:

    Do a vid on katarina or renekton

  15. JadaTheKiller says:

    @TheNeoHammer with bots i make better 😀

  16. MrZeroJackal says:

    after veigar died event horizon became useless

  17. kevintang757 says:

    3:45 Veigar: tell me why you didn’t get stunned

    3:49 Nuggles: Cause im boss

  18. MultiCarlin23 says:

    lol when veigar said why did u not get stunned nuggles had an answer “im boss” 🙂

  19. MultiCarlin23 says:

    @brianmang123 lol no panth definitely does not need to be nerfed now master yi is a champ tht needs to be nerfed

  20. TheNeoHammer says:

    @Icklumpus Hes VERY worth buying
    i just bought him today and on my second game with him i did 16-4-3
    One of the most fun champions ;D

  21. rantkiller says:

    You actually did get stunned but u heartseeker striked b4 his stun so it ran through it

  22. MeaplessxD says:

    do u wanna play with me ones?
    Arnooooo is my summoner name

  23. Icklumpus says:

    do you think hes still worth getting? because im looking to buy someone and he seems interesting…

  24. MisterSmosh says:

    3:02 i didnt get any kills…..

  25. Khordajj says:

    @fifatrickster51 I think it’s because he had a lot of stacks with Sword of the Occult at such a low level.

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