Arianna Huffington, 63, says there is no true success without good health –

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Arianna Huffington, 63, says there is no true success without good health –

Media mogul Arianna Huffington is rich, famous, and successful, but said fame and fortune does not guarantee happiness or emotional resilience, she told CNN April 3.

Huffington, 63, said in order to be truly successful, we need to take better care of our health. Arianna’s secrets for mental and physical fitness include meditation, lots of sleep, and regular workouts.

She also recommends “digital detoxing,” or unplugging from your phone, the Internet and TV to get away from the stresses of daily life. Huffington revealed how she juggles career, motherhood, and health in her 14th book, Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success.

Arianna, who sold the HuffingtonPost for $ 315 million to AOL in 2011, had an epiphany in 2007 after a harrowing accident caused by sleep deprivation.

Huffington suffered a broken cheekbone and got a gash over her eye after a fall caused by chronic exhaustion and lack of sleep. That’s when she realized that her material success was jeopardizing her physical well-being.

By any sane definition of success, if you are lying in a pool of blood on the floor of your office, you are not successful. We discovered what was wrong with me was the way I was living my life. Our current definition of success is literally killing us. [We should all] get 30 minutes more sleep a night than we’re getting now.”

Arianna said a critical component of emotional and physical fitness is regular workouts. “We know that physical activity is an incredibly powerful component of our overall well-being,” she said.

There are studies showing how regular physical activity increases cognitive function and brain connectivity. If we’re going to redefine success to include well-being, we also need to redefine getting in shape to include mental and soul fitness.”

Huffington said we should all exercise regularly because it boosts productivity, enhances mood, and ultimately makes you more successful. She said you can’t truly be successful without being physically healthy. Arianna shared her tips for good health, success and happiness in Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder.

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