Singer Tori Kelly and UnReal’s Shiri Appleby Share Their Best … – People Magazine

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Singer Tori Kelly and UnReal’s Shiri Appleby Share Their Best … – People Magazine

Both UnReal ‘s Shiri Appleby and singer Tori Kelly have absurdly packed schedules of TV shoots, concerts and more, but they make it a goal to fit in exercise – even on their busiest days.

Appleby and Kelly shared their best tips for fitting in fitness – and a little self-care – for‘s relaunch.

“I am one of those people who loves to exercise, not only for what it does to my body but for what it does for my mind,” Appleby tells “When I’m working on UnReal, I become a Tracy Anderson DVD junkie. I’m given 1 hour in the morning to get ready before we start shooting and I use 15 minutes to do my hair and makeup and the other 45 minutes to work out.”

For Appleby, exercise is about more than just toning her body.

“Yes, it helps with staying fit but it also emotionally puts me in the right headspace to be around 150 people all day long,” she says. “It can be exhausting just talking to that many people, in addition to acting and all of that so I have found that my workout time is critical to having a positive and productive day.”

Kelly makes it a goal to get in a full, 30-minute workout at least five days a week, but has a backup plan just in case.

“If I’m honest, there are some days I just don’t feel like doing anything,” Kelly admits. “On those days I have found a way to still keep the momentum going by doing 40 push-ups, 40 dips, 40 sit-ups, & 40 squats. It’s such a quick little routine that I don’t even think about it and I can go on with my day knowing I did something active!”

Appleby has her own plan for those crazed days as well, and it fits in perfectly with her costume on the show.

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“I also have a pedometer on my cellphone, which I would conveniently wear in my character’s fanny pack, and I make it a point to reach between 8-10k steps a day since I don’t have time to get the cardio in at a gym,” she says. “What I’ve found is that if I can’t get all 45 minutes in every day, even 15 minutes makes a difference and so I do what the day allows.”

“It’s almost just about making the effort, and knowing I’ve given it my best shot.”

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