Fit Body Boot Camp Expert Reveals 5 Fitness Business Marketing Secrets – Broadway World

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Fit Body Boot Camp Expert Reveals 5 Fitness Business Marketing Secrets – Broadway World

Bedros Keuilian, founder of the indoor fitness boot camp franchise Fit Body Boot Camp, has today revealed his top five best fitness business marketing secrets in order to help more personal trainers grow their brand and business.

Keuilian says that he wanted to reveal these secrets because he believes personal trainers could benefit from implementing just one of these tactics.

He explains, “Starting my career as a struggling personal trainer trying to make ends meet was tough, but that’s only because there weren’t very many fitness business resources available. Opening a personal training business like this is easier now than it has ever been, and making it successful takes time, but if you incorporate just one of these secrets into your business… you’ll increase your profits in no time.”

Here are Keuilian’s top 5 fitness marketing secrets for personal trainers to grow their business:

1. Figure out your traffic source. Personal trainers often need a way to get people interested in their business, so whether you are good at Facebook or local networking, find a way to get traffic that aligns with what you are naturally good at.

2. Now that you have some people interested in your services, you can find who are suspects and who are prospects by offering a lead magnet. A lead magnet is typically something of value that you can give away for free in exchange for contact information to show someone that your product or service is worthwhile. They can range from an ebook to a meal plan to a video.

3. Make your prospects a low-barrier offer. This is similar to a lead magnet but instead of giving out an ebook, personal trainers can now offer a heavily discounted rate to help persuade someone to try them out, such as a $ 100 for two weeks. The reason you don’t want to offer any big or expensive training packages yet is because you want these prospects to like you and trust you first. This is how to do it.

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