Jennifer Aniston wants Gisele Bundchen’s body: Her low-carb diet & yoga workout –

Posted by on Mar 10th, 2014 and filed under Fitness News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

Jennifer Aniston wants Gisele Bundchen’s body: Her low-carb diet & yoga workout –

Jennifer Aniston is fit and fab at 45, thanks to a low-carb diet and regular exercise.

“My ultimate stress reliever is exercise!” Aniston told Self March 9. “And meditation. I do that for 20 minutes every day.”

Jennifer has been doing yoga for over 20 years, saying the meditative practice tones her body and calms her mind. “If yoga didn’t exist, I’d invent it,” she said.

Aniston does yoga three days a week with her longtime friend and yoga teacher, Mandy Ingber. Mandy told me in an exclusive interview that she and Jennifer combine cardio and toning exercises into their workouts.

“We incorporate cardio and toners into the yoga sessions, much like I do in my Yogalosophy DVD,” said Ingber. “We meet up about three times a week, and our sessions are 60 to 90 minutes.”

Aniston, a longtime fitness fanatic, works out five to six days a week, combining cardio exercise, spinning, running, strength-training and the elliptical trainer.

“My post-workout beauty ritual is wiping my skin,” said Jennifer, a rep for Aveeno’s. “I always use Aveeno Ultra Calming Wipes. They’re easy if you aren’t near a sink.”

While Jennifer follows a healthy diet most of the time, she admits a weakness for nachos. “The food I love so much that if I dropped it on the floor, I’d eat it anyway is a nacho,” she said. “I fry the chips myself. Just take a tortilla, cut it into triangles, and throw ’em in coconut oil.”

Aniston said her Sunday morning ritual is reading the newspaper with a leisurely brunch of bagel and eggs (with the yolk). “How I take my eggs depends on my mood,” she said. “But I always throw a yolk in there — the yolk’s got a bad rap.”

Jennifer, who said she would love to trade bodies with supermodel Gisele Bundchen, said her beauty secret is simple: She always washes her face morning and night and makes sure she takes makeup off before bed. During the day, she wears sunscreen and moisturizer.

“Before I go to bed, I always wash my face and brush my teeth,” she said. “I use a mild-scented Aveeno cleanser and brush my teeth.”

While most Hollywood starlets dread getting older, Aniston said she’s happier than ever these days. “I feel just as youthful now — if not more — than I did when I was 25,” she said. “I’m more in my body; I’m more in my mind. Life is wonderful.”

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