Hispanic Babies More Likely to be Born with Neural Tube Defects – YottaFire

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Hispanic Babies More Likely to be Born with Neural Tube Defects – YottaFire

According to a new study, Hispanic women are at an increased risk of delivering babies with serious brain and spinal defects referred to as neural tube defects. The March of Dimes report also found these women more likely to give birth to premature babies than women from other ethnic groups. The March of Dimes is a nonprofit making organization.

Dr. Edward McCabe, senior vice president and March of Dimes’ chief medical officer said that one of the things that caught their eyes is the fact that about 24 percent of all babies born prematurely are Hispanic but Hispanics represent only 17 percent of the entire U.S. population.
Pregnant Women
During the study, the researchers did an analysis of pregnancy treads in women from various races. The team found Hispanic babies were more likely to be born with brain and spinal defects than babies from other races. The study found that Hispanic babies were 12 percent more likely to be born prematurely than white babies.

These women were more three times likely to get pregnant before age 17 as compared to women from other races. They had a higher chance of dropping out of high school and less likely to have an insurance cover. A combination of these factors could be the reason for premature births in these women.

As for the cause of the birth defects, the team said that it could be linked to these women’s diet. Hispanics eat a lot of corn masa flour which is low vitamins and minerals such as folic acid. The report also noted that during pregnancy Hispanics were less likely to take multivitamins.

Dr. Diana Ramos of the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine in Los Angeles says they are working to ensure masa cornmeal is fortified with folate. Corn masa flour does not form part of standard American diet.

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