June is National Dairy Month, which means it’s time to spread awareness about the health benefits of dairy!

Milk and yogurt are commonly touted for their health benefits, but did you know that cheese is also an important player in the dairy group?

With more than 300 American varieties to choose from, and the nutrient package it provides — including calcium for strong bones and high-quality protein for healthy muscles — cheese fits into almost any eating plan such as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, and diabetic, gluten-free and low-lactose diets.

Cheese can actually help families increase their intake of fruits and vegetables. Produce pairs very well with cheese in recipes such as “Rainbow Fruit and Cheese Kabobs,” which is a kid- and adult-friendly snack. Cheese can be enjoyed as part of any meal, and because of its protein content (8 grams per serving), it’s a satisfying snack that can curb hunger.

Additionally, cheese can put you on track to meet the recommendation for three daily servings of dairy, as outlined in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Remember, however, to watch portion sizes. So what exactly counts as a serving of cheese? A serving is 1.5 ounces of natural cheese or two ounces of processed cheese. A visual reminder of a serving of cheese is four cubes — the size of playing dice.

Don’t forget to stop by the dairy aisle and pick up a slice, block or wedge of your favorite cheese to serve with your fruits and vegetables.

Lindsey Frisbie is a Hy-Vee dietitian at the Iowa City Hy-Vee Drugstore (337-6424) and Iowa City North Dodge store (354-9223) in Iowa City. Contact her at lfrisbie@hy-vee.com.

Rainbow Fruit and Cheese Kabobs

All you need:

6 (8-inch or longer) skewers

6 ounces Monterey cheese, cut into 18 cubes

½ cup strawberry halves

½ cup ¾-inch-cubed cantaloupe

½ cup ¾-inch-cubed pineapple

1 kiwifruit, peeled and cut into 6 pieces

¼ cup blueberries

6 purple grapes

All you do:

To make a rainbow for each “kabob,” thread onto a skewer a piece of cheese, a strawberry half, a cantaloupe cube, a pineapple cube, another piece of cheese, a piece of kiwi, 2 blueberries, a grape and another piece of cheese. Repeat pattern with remaining skewers.

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