Elbow Pain Rehab Video – Brachioradialis Strain

Posted by on Nov 27th, 2011 and filed under Videos. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

THIS HURTS! What hurts…: Brachioradialis muscle deep to where it comes across the bicep. It hurts if I supinate my forearm or try to do any kind of bicep curl. On bad days it hurts to lift a glass of water. It hurts to do pull ups, curls, rowing. It hurts a little less to bench press or shoulder press. It does not hurt to do reverse curls (palms down pronated flexion at elbow). How you hurt it…: Cable rowing (back exercise). When you hurt it…: about 2 months ago. Your pain level (1 is low, 10 is high pain): 5. Your age and overall health…: 48 years old. Generally good health and athletic. I have miscellaneous other injuries, a cervical disc herniation, a hamstring pull, a rotator cuff injury, but I have been working with them and they are less bothersome than the brachioradialis problem. Any other information you feel is relevant…: I had stopped rowing, pullups etc and started to do deadlifts instead. Then came the hamstring pull. I’ve been working the forearm extensor and flexor muscles instead of curling to see if that helps but it’s too early to tell. YOUR INJURY COULD BE… Brachioradialis Strain REHAB YOUR INJURY BY… Stretching: Straighten your elbow and pull your hand straight down. Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and release – do this 2 to 3 times. Go to the point of pain and not beyond – more is not necessarily better. Make sure you stretch both directions and both arms. Massage: Work across and down the muscle fibers that are sore. As you keep working
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses for “Elbow Pain Rehab Video – Brachioradialis Strain”

  1. okdigger1 says:

    I cant straigten my elbow any advice

  2. xelmonitoxD says:

    Thanks for the help!! It worked out great!

  3. jozsmith40 says:

    After 4 months of pain, I find relief! Thank you!!!

  4. ryanbizzle100 says:

    HELP , i started going back to the gym and was doing some exercises , and a couple of days later , i couldnt train my biceps ( My right bicep that is ) , i couldnt even bicep curl 10kg im 17 and 14 stone , a big build , my left was perfectly fine i could do my max of 16 kg but on my right i couldnt even lift 8 or 10 kg , i was worried what shall i do, it was hurting at the whole of my bicep , shall i just stick to this video treatments ??? PLZ!!!

  5. StillSWT says:

    I’m experiencing the same pain but my wrist also has pain…I can feel either the nerve or tendon all the way down to my outer (near pinky) wrist. I can also hear a clicking that wasn’t there before. I initially injured the wrist/forearm in jiu jitsu by holding onto a collar too long. HELP!

  6. kevio01 says:

    Thank you Doc that helped me immensely! I’ve already noticed a decrease in the pain when doing the exercises with you.

  7. brendak143 says:

    Can my thumb tendon hurt due to brachioradialis strain? Thank you. Brenda Klein brendak143@verizon.net

  8. DottyGale8 says:

    Great video! I think this might be just what I need for my pain as well. Thanks for providing it for us!

  9. lesjam1239 says:

    My right elbow just above the bone is cause me a little pain…from do arm curles…

  10. allen764 says:

    Thank you for your videos!
    From your experience, can a brachioradialis strain exhibit symptomology in the wrist also?

  11. NaughtyBoy134 says:

    @mlbm13 Me too ! I heard that it is the nerves that is”pulled” . Over strained i guess.

  12. mlbm13 says:

    if i bend my arm like im flexing the middle of the elbow hurts D:
    and if i try to straighten it out normally it hurts too..
    idk what i did
    but i was doing back walk overs on a very squishy mat and when i went back..
    my arm cracked, i heard it and it felt numb that day… then the pain began..
    so what did i pull? ( it bend the wrong way almost)

  13. Aixrotciv says:

    WOW, I was in pain all morning and a 1 minute massage made my arm feel almost normal again. Time to get some crushed ice 😛

  14. yotzincastrejon says:

    whenever i do a curl with my forearm my forearm hurts for a good 3-4 seconds then it goes away

  15. Evx80 says:

    my biceps hurt for 2 days i massage it with hot water, oil still hurts 🙂
    i can’t move my arms, hold anything i rest when i keep it 30o can’t straight it
    and can’t sleep ; /
    so after i saw your video i start copy you 🙂 thanks now i feel much much better
    can now move my arms not like before tough won’t move much flexible
    i learn from you i have to stretch ,also ice bag i thought hot water heal.
    thanks again

  16. Blobbozar says:

    I just wanted to express my appreciation for this video. I strained my forearm 2 days ago while working out. From what I’ve learned, it would either be the brachioradialis (not sure if that is simply on the thumb side of the arm) or flexor carpi ulnaris. The stretching has IMMEDIATELY helped relieve some of the pain! Will keep this up until the pain dissipates completely. Thank you!! This has been a huge help, as I hate seeking help for myself.

  17. TheMansour1 says:

    thanks alot

  18. vulkan2222 says:

    thanks, very good exersice för the lower arm

  19. themarlboroman1 says:

    Actually pronation and supination is the other way. duuuuuh !!

  20. pronation1 says:

    wow this helped thank you very much :]

  21. lesimpson1 says:

    A great help. Thank you!!

  22. p4nt33s says:

    thank you very much. this is quite helpful.

  23. dellsbells1 says:

    My arm will not bend all the way, and will not straighten out fully, Silent pain.

  24. KASAandLUTA says:

    this chick is BORING and more concerned about her “medical terminology “skill

  25. TylersWorldlyUpdate says:

    I also have the same problem but after 4 days i still cant straighten my arm much more them half way. i try to stretch it out but it tightens up instantly after the stretch. What should i do?

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