Healthy Food Prank

Posted by on Nov 29th, 2013 and filed under Videos. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses for “Healthy Food Prank”

  1. Bujang Ganteng says:

    Imagine if Herbert shows up.

  2. Федор Сарыгин says:

    2:02 Earl Sweatshirt????

  3. Johanna lagunas says:

    I would have gotten an apple

  4. Tyrel Stanislas says:

    Lol he said that’s false advertisement!

  5. toolhog10 says:

    Is that lady in the light blue feeling up her own tit at 1:38

  6. Zachery Baker says:

    Awesome, what a nice guy

  7. Gabriel Gabrie-Kattan says:

    OMG hahaha pause the video at 1:45, she looks like the meme. I know it
    makes you feel bad when she cries but the resemblance is huge

  8. Edralyn A. Cudia says:

    The man who’s like ‘aww shoot that’s better than ice cream’ WAS SO NICE
    ABOUT IT. 

  9. Alec Zacharias says:

    Man, u made a little girl cry!

  10. Tosh Twelve says:

    Lol the kids took the apples

  11. Kendrick Lee says:

    The funny thing is…. Some of these people seem like they haven’t seen a
    vegetable before hahaha

  12. Bo Jangles says:

    Oh the deception!! Dx

  13. PugsNotDrugs4 says:

    I would’ve taken the apple…

  14. Abdinasir Jeylani says:

    Fucking kids. Broccoli is not bad its good. Fucking americsns think its
    nasty but its not. U ppl hear other ppl ssying its nasty so ur mind makes
    it think its nasty.

  15. Kevin Johnson says:

    “and a spongebob u feel me couuuz” am inthe only one who would have at
    least taken a bannana? Bannanas r good u feel me couz

  16. Arial Chen says:

    I would’ve taken your apples

  17. KiNgAztecz69 says:

    Imma be da one to make this from 48,600 to 48, 601, I feel odd about
    this… YOLO

  18. Jennifer Morales says:


  19. TheGeneratorStudios says:

    He is actually a good sport about these pranks. It makes some people mad
    but he just does it in a joking way.

  20. ZxWubbaWubbaxZ says:

    1:50 Here comes honey boo boo

  21. Glowingbluewolf Aj says:

    I think I just saw sonic icecream X’D i think i would want that…

  22. GamerSchoo says:

    1:26 You should have told them that you can shove it up your pussy…

  23. Alexander Gomez says:

    Wow are you serious T_T that one kid that’s like: I’ve tasted broccoli
    ONCE, it tasted like rotten cheese and bad eggs… Your kidding??? I have
    broccoli 3 times a week, America has to stop being so damn obese, honestly
    I would’ve taken both the broccoli and apple, I don’t mind, still tastes
    good to me 

  24. muzachman1 says:

    This makes healthy eating habits into a joke. I’m sure it left an
    impression on the people until they forget about the whole healthy food bit
    and just remember the good tasting free ice cream bar. Nice “prank”. ;)

  25. booyaka105 says:

    This guy reminds me of Ryan Gosling!

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