My Healthy Snacks & Eating Tips {Recipes}

Posted by on Nov 30th, 2013 and filed under Videos. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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25 Responses for “My Healthy Snacks & Eating Tips {Recipes}”

  1. Rose Houchin says:

    I love her accent! One time someone came to our church and reenacted a
    story of someone who was a strong Christian believer who was from Moldova
    and it was really cool.

  2. de don says:

    It would be a shame if you did not shed fat when these people do it easily
    with Fat Blast Factor (go google it).

  3. alisanne keller says:

    her skin is so nice. like she even looks super healthy.. 

  4. Alice Eriksson says:

    Does anyone know a website that sells the seaweed snack cause i live in
    sweden and i have no idea on where to buy it!

  5. Hayun Jin says:

    Lol! That seweed is actually korean food. We call them “gim” meaning dried
    seweed. We usually put rice and wrap them around when we have nothing to
    eat. They taste soooo good

  6. potocatepetl says:

    The salad is pretty typical for east and south east Europe (Bulgaria,
    Romania, Moldova, Greece, even certain regions in Turkey). I tend to
    believe all countries with a lot of sun during the summer eat more
    vegetables because they taste soooo much better. The best tomatoes I ate in
    Germany don’t even come close to the ones I was used to (unfortunatelly)
    because they don’t have enough sun. And no, the imported ones don’t taste
    good enough either. Some tomato juices do though :)

  7. aleyna sonne says:

    More pleasee❤️

  8. mxxahrk01 says:

    You can get the seaweed at a Asian grocery store they sell the same exact
    seaweed in packs of 20 for less than 5 dollars! Trader joes is way to
    expensive to buy them 99 cents each!!

  9. xTheLamborghinix says:

    I love your photos on instagram! You are amazing!

  10. katie kate says:

    I dont really like tomatoes at all but your salad looks absolutely amazing
    and i would love to try it but i was wondering if you had any ideas for
    tomato substitutes? x

  11. harrehdahottie says:

    I loved the video and I usually don’t like diet or food videos because most
    people barely eat anything but this one was great! I like how you don’t
    starve but just eat healthy. ♡

  12. sunil sai says:

    wonderful video!

    I have almost ruined myself by dieting in order to reduce weight and my
    family was very worried, because i use to gain and loose weight abruptly.

    Luckily, I started using this “How To Eat” mobile app by lokesh which made
    me eat the right foods and in right way and using a game like points
    etc.and made it funny!

    now, i have reduce weight in a clean way

  13. Anastasia Kalyarkina says:

    She have no make up on her + for health theme

  14. Daneen Covino-Rogers says:

    I’d be a picky eater too if I came from the land of healthy eating to the
    US of manufactured processed fake crap A.

  15. Tamara Rosic says:

    watched this whilst eating a full pack of minstrels…

  16. koolkat909s says:

    i have those seaweed thingys. They r awesome

  17. MegaUnfunny says:

    Yum! Thanks for the delicious ideas!

  18. Naveed Khan says:

    Cool, how much fat did you lose? My sister lost 3 stone after studying
    Wretch Weight Workings. Just google it :)

  19. So Phi says:

    What is the second thing on german??

  20. ioana fagadariu says:

    i do not believe , it is 5.20 and tomorow i am going to work but i am here
    and watching your videos! u are dammmmm goood girl ! :))))))

  21. Sinod Mandal says:

    If you seriously want to lose fat fast, you should do a google search
    “Reborn Lean Max”. They can help you get the body you deserve.

  22. iBrahim Gamal says:

    Visualize getting rid of weight quickly? Well Fast Fat Furlong will make
    you lose weight… Period.. Give it a go, just search the phrase Fast Fat

  23. Joe Jones says:

    Eating healthy is so expensive these days

  24. Joe Jones says:

    Eating healthy is so expensive these days

  25. Ashley S says:

    I love seaweed but those roasted ones are so gross to me!!

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