Understanding Heartburn (Heartburn #1)

Posted by on Nov 28th, 2011 and filed under Videos. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

Over 60 million Americans suffer from chronic heartburn. Get the basics on acid reflux.Watch More Health Videos at Health Guru: www.healthguru.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses for “Understanding Heartburn (Heartburn #1)”

  1. irynausa77 says:

    my dad has heart burn and im only 8 years old im hope his ok ;( *cry*

  2. michelsvideos says:

    drinking 5 cups of coffee in the morning and big meals late at night give me heartburn at night, it realy burns terrible than.

  3. dragonblood30 says:

    i think i have this. but im only 13 and i think its chronic

  4. AutismAuntie says:

    This one type of prepacked cheese-cracker-sandwich gives me heart burn for some reason. My body just doesn’t agree with it. I don’t understand why random foods make me have heartburn. Least I am lucky enough to be able to not eat those foods and not have problems anymore. Great video— I’m very visual. This helps me see.

  5. buskerbunny says:

    My doctor prescribed Gaviscon—very effective.

  6. ThePastorGregory says:

    if there was the correct amount of stomach acid this wouldn’t happen. Typical western medicine. They can manage the symptoms but never cure them. Take a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar before you eat. …:)

  7. WeepyPsychopath says:

    WOW…..i can understand this so much better, thank you for the video.

  8. 15trilliums says:

    im a chocoholic and chocolate chip cookies just have to give me heartburn!!!!!!! 🙁

  9. dancedanceeyeah says:

    HAHAHA Thats why, I had chocolate, Cola, Fries and ketchup …

  10. dancodered23 says:

    @HumpaDumpaDich i do right now

  11. XxAnEvilWafflexX says:

    If you’re someone that has heartburn chew pepperment (or any strong minty gum. I recommend 5 gum.) or suck on a pepperment. This worked really helped me. I don’t know how this mf says pepperment stuff gives you heartburn

  12. ShavedKnuckle says:

    I suffer from this daily, multiple times per day.

  13. TheFinlandnator says:

    I simply stopped eating jalopenos and it helped.

  14. collin2031988 says:

    I personally recommend zantac available at Chemist Direct as it helped me to overcome heartburn. For others who want information

  15. alexsonweiss says:

    Thumbs up if you have a hearburn right now.

  16. zszsalek85 says:

    Much better detail here than i got from me own doctor

  17. scbaldwin13 says:

    It’s weird. Orange juice induces heartburn in me, but not actual oranges. One time I got heartburn without orange juice, but it was probably because of the chocolate cookie I had with lunch. But I have chocolate in larger amounts than that and I don’t get heartburn.

  18. LabRat6619 says:

    @MultiMAGICDAN . Contrary to that I have heard head/ neck cancer is on the increase.

  19. MultiMAGICDAN says:

    @biogabba hey , ive had this burning sensation now on and off for 3-4 months, i hope it aint somethign bad , am i going to die ahahhaahah

  20. biogabba says:

    @avschase i have read about it,now i stopped to use medicine and i eat royal jelly with honey…. for now it’s helps

  21. biogabba says:

    @MultiMAGICDAN almost 6 years : now i’m using royal jelly with honey,about 2 weeks… 2 times in day…i stopped to use medicine and i feel so much better 🙂

  22. MultiMAGICDAN says:

    @LabRat6619 that type of cancer is rare apparently

  23. MultiMAGICDAN says:

    @biogabba hey how long did u have this condition for, ive recently started to get this burning sensationin my chest for the past 2-3 months, i hope it aint anything bad lol im guessing its just acid relflex/ heartburn

  24. MultiMAGICDAN says:

    thats what i keep getting a burning sensation in the chest and stomach when i eat, ive had it for 2-3 months now

  25. hemicalais says:

    @KekiEscobar305 sorry for the late response… you just mix a spoonfull with water and drink it.

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