Weight Loss Challenge Day 9: Eating Healthy Food, exercising, feeling GREAT!

Posted by on Apr 23rd, 2014 and filed under Videos. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

Ladies, how did you do on day 9? Did you exercise and do 2 hours of cardio? What did you eat/drink? Did you take a cold shower? What about your multivitamin?…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

19 Responses for “Weight Loss Challenge Day 9: Eating Healthy Food, exercising, feeling GREAT!”

  1. Игорь Чугунов says:

    Hello! I’m Anthony.I did -15 lbs past two weeks.Visit hddiet.gs#EBii

  2. taskir ahmed says:

    Hey there, have you considered “BELLYfatTACK yet? Just copy and paste
    BellyFATtack.com to your browser to go to this internet site. On there you
    can get a beneficial free video presentation by an experienced medical
    doctor talking on how you can reduce body fat. This made it easier for
    Melody to get rid of her abdominal fat. Why not give this a shot. It may
    help you out also.

  3. Fgcog says:

    Ikno ur not a weight loss guru but if I grill chicken can I put BBQ sauce
    on it and eat it with salad? .

  4. PrettyKeli says:

    Thank you so much ^_^

  5. elenaajones says:

    i did my two hours of cardio i ate special k cereal i forgot about my
    multivitamin this morning i took my cold shower, did my 2 hours. for lunch
    again chinese food 🙁 but i ate grapes, and some strawberries. i had 6
    glasses of water and ill prob have more later tonight and i actually havent
    lost any weight either idk if my body really looks that different either,
    its sad but i wont give up!

  6. Zames Khan says:

    Hi there, have you heard about “Belly Fat Quencher” (google it)? There you
    can watch a helpful free video. This helped Steven to reduce his tummy fat.
    It might work for you as well.

  7. Fgcog says:

    How many water bottles should I take a day. . ??

  8. PrettyKeli says:

    Yes I know the feeling lol it seems like temptation has gone through the
    roof since I started smh

  9. PrettyKeli says:

    Drink as much as you can. I drink a lot of water a day, I need to start
    writing down exactly how much

  10. Frida Jenssen says:

    Gret job!

  11. Rine v says:

    heeey..i had all the excuses in the book.i got sick, had 2 bdays(i promised
    to do the.cooking..grrr). how the heck do you keep up 2 hours of cardio???
    10 mins and my body is waving the red white and blue flag..lawd! im loving
    weights tho. im gonna start over on monday. i lovvvve the cold showers wow..

  12. Astrit Krsevan says:

    Hello there, have you come across ” BellyFATtack ” yet? Simply google it.
    On there you will discover an important free video by a recognised
    qualified health practitioner revealing how to reduce weight. It made it
    possible for Cheryl to lose her stomach fat. Just give it a try. Hopefully
    it will help you as well…

  13. MsConfidence100 says:

    Omg! I’m so super late! But regardless, IM IN! I’ll be going to get a
    multivitamin after work! Woo hoo! Let’s do this! I’m back on it!

  14. LovelyMaria89 says:

    Do the live video on the 14th day to compare your results to day 1 🙂

  15. quintaneshia williams says:

    I’ve lost 4 pounds so far it’s harder than I thought though I must admit
    cuz food is my drug

  16. PrettyKeli says:


  17. PrettyKeli says:

    Thank you ^_^

  18. invaderdia101 says:

    You look great i luv your channel i always tell my sis about it lol

  19. Fgcog says:

    If I dnt take multi vitamins will it change my results?

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